Items from the Discordian Archives will appear on this historical timeline as they become available…

The front piece to the original Paste-Up Discordia (aka The Sacred PUD). Courtesy the Discordian Archives.

A young Kerry Thornley
in New Orleans.

The Hodge/Podge Transformer from the Principia Discordia. Shown here is Page 00052 of the Sacred PUD (the original Paste-Up Discordia) where Greg Hill's drawing (we assume) has been pasted on with other elements including a quotation from The Honest Book of Truth's 'The Book of Gooks.' Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

Greg Hill pictured at his 'normal but untypically clean hippie hangout' with Sister Deacon Iona K. Fioderovna and her daughter, Nancy.

Emperor Norton poster that appeared in February 15, 1971 issue of The Rag.

Robert Shea letter to Greg Hill, The Eye in the Pyramid book cover proof attachment, June 25, 1975. Courtesy of
from the Discordian Archives.

Photocopy of a mid-to-late 1970s photo of Greg Hill. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

New York Press cover feature box on Kerry Thornley, June 19-25, 1991 edition. Clipping courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

The Prankster and the Conspiracy:
The Story of Kerry Thornley and How He Met Oswald and Inspired the Counterculture
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Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society
Get Your Copy Now on Amazon!

Cover page of Discordian Archives version of the 1st ed. Principia Discordia.

Chasing Eris
by Brenton Clutterbuck.
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- Recently Discovered Poems by Greg Hill:

in New Orleans.
- November 27: This Day in Discordian History:
First Press Reference to Kerry Thornley’s The Idle Warriors
- Ancient Discordian Document: The Origins of the Sacred Chao and the Law of Fives
- Discordian Documents A-Plenty!
- A Postcard from the Five-Sided Temple
- The Battle Hymn of the Eristocracy
- Greg Hill Gets Letters (Part 00003)
- You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’: Roger Lovin and the Dark Side of Discordia (Part 00001)

- Greg Hill’s Excellent Mescaline Adventure
- The Blivet and The Hodge/Podge Transformer
- Hymn Again! Another Discovered Discordian Hymn
- You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’: Roger Lovin and the Dark Side of Discordia (Part 00002)
- The Emergence of Hassan i Sabbah X: Week 52 of the Illuminatus! Group Reading
- You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’: Roger Lovin and the Dark Side of Discordia (Part 00004)
- The Raymond Broshears Files Part 00006: A FOIA Treasure Trove
- Greg Hill Letter to Timothy Leary
- The Honest Book of Truth
- Kerry Thornley notes on The Honest Book of Truth
- And now, this important announcement from Mad Malik (aka Greg Hill)
- You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’: Roger Lovin and the Dark Side of Discordia (Part 00003)
- Discordianism Meets The National Review
- Greg Hill Gets Letters (Part 00004)
- An Early Rough Sketch of the Sacred Chao
- June 5, 1969: Greg Hill and Jeanetta Ross Get Hitched!
- The Roger Spark and TeenSet Conspiracy
- RAW Math vs. RAW Sex!

- Greg Hill Gets Letters (Part 00011) — Some Principia Discordia Origin Art
- This Day In Discordian History: June 11, 1970:
Greg Hill sends a letter and five pope cards to Baba Om - Kerry Thornley’s Discordian Newsletter: The Paranoid Flash Illuminator
- Greg Hill’s Discordian Newsletter: The Greater Poop
- A Sampling of Discordian Society Phenomena and Cabalablia
- Kerry’s Bicycle Rider
- A Letter From RAW To Lady L
- Kerry Thornley’s Paranoid Flash
- Please do not widely distribute this information. Illuminatus! Group Reading Week 28
- A Barrage of Three (3) Popes
- Boy Howdy! Hail Eris! Discordianism Meets Creem Magazine
- Love is Alive and Well: The Stan Jamison Files
- The Raymond Broshears Files Part 00004: The Multiple Wave Oscillator Debacle
- The Raymond Broshears Files Part 00005: The Gay Crusader

- Greg Hill’s Emperor Norton Poster
- The Sordid Saga of Sam’s Cafe
- The Epistles of Thomas the Gnostic
- Discordian Inter-Office Memos
- A Little Bit of Buddhist Wisdom From Ho Chi Zen (aka Kerry Thornley)
- ANARCHO-SURREALISM by Mordecai Zwack
- A Discordian Dispatch from Rev. Dr. Occupant
- This Day in Discordian History: CROWLEYMAS 1974
- Sex, Drugs, Treason: Illuminati Membership Affirmation
- Greg Hill Gets Letters (Part 00010)
- Greg Hill Gets Letters (Part 00007) #orgybutter

from the Discordian Archives.
- Greg Hill Article for Robert Shea’s Underground ‘No Governor’ Zine: ‘Why I Am Not An Anarchist’
- Letter: Robert Shea shares the Illuminatus! Cover Artwork Proofs with Greg Hill
- Letters: Robert Shea and Greg Hill: ‘We are definitely dealing with volatile materials.’
- WHAT GOES UP MUST COME: Confusion Contest ’75: ConCon: Fun! Games! Meaning!
- We’re Fno-o-o-o-ord: Week 30 Illuminatus! Group Reading
- RAW 1975 Xmas Card
- Discordianism Meets Ufology (Part 00003)
- Reprogram Yourself For Freer Swinging
- The Origins of the Thornley/Oswald Manuscript
- RAW’s Form Letters
- Daisy Eris Campbell: Letter from RAW to Ken Campbell
- Greg Hill Gets Letters! (Part 00001)
- Greg Hill Gets Letters! (Part 00006) #freeticket
- Discordianism Meets Ufology (Part 00002)

- Early Discordian Authors In Print As Of 1977
- Photocopy of Greg Hill Photo
- Greg Hill Gets Letters (Part 00005)
- RAW vs. Mae Brussell!
- Greg Hill Gets Letters! (Part 00002)
- Goetia Discordia: Kerry Thornley’s Illustrated ‘Book of the Demons of the Region of Thud’

- The Bizarre Origins But Otherwise True History of The John Dillinger Died For You Society by William J. Helmer
- VIDEO: Kerry Thornley: 1992 Full Interview with Rev. Wyrdsli at A Cappella Books
- VIDEO Excerpt: Kerry Thornley on the Birth of Discordianism
- VIDEO Excerpt: Kerry Thornley Discusses Zenarchy And Illuminati Lady
- AUDIO: 1992 Interview of Kerry Thornley by Kenn Thomas: The Idle Warriors

The Story of Kerry Thornley and How He Met Oswald and Inspired the Counterculture
Buy on Amazon
- Book Release: The Prankster and the Conspiracy: The Story of Kerry Thornley and How He Met Oswald and Inspired the Counterculture by Adam Gorightly
- Radio GoGo Episode 6: Talkin’ Kerry Thornley w/ Allen Greenfield & Synchronos23 with Adam Gorightly
- September 16: Today In Discordian History — Lady L., F.A.B. sends a letter to Caltech astronomer Michael E. Brown, who named the dwarf planet Eris
- goes live: Documenting the Origins, History & Chaos of the Discordian Society

Get Your Copy Now on Amazon!
- Book Release: Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society by Adam Gorightly
- The Cosmic Trigger Experience — Two Days That Shook The Wirrall
- Book Release: Caught in the Crossfire: Kerry Thornley, Oswald and the Garrison Investigation by Adam Gorightly

- Eris Gives The New York Times Magazine A Clue About The Principia Discordia
- Discordia Meets Academia
- Brasilia Discordia: A New Edition of the Principia Discordia
- Bathtub Books Presents The Goetia Discordia

by Brenton Clutterbuck.
Buy on Amazon
- Book Release: Chasing Eris by Brenton Clutterbuck
- New Discordian Ebook by Brenton Clutterbuck: United We Fnord: More Discordian Stories from the UK and Ireland
For more information on the Discordian Timeline and other Erisian Events, check out my books on the subject:
Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society
Caught in the Crossfire: Kerry Thornley, Lee Oswald and the Garrison Investigation