Camden congratulates Louise on the recent publication of Lunaception, her landmark work on a natural method to conception, using the phases of the moon as a guide, a concept later explored by Tom Robbins in Still Life With Woodpecker.
Camden also floats the idea of putting together a list of Discordian books then in publication. With that theme in mind, here is just such a list, a snap shot in time of books in print by Discordian authors as of 1977.
Kerry Thornley
New Classics Library, 1965
Principia Discordia
Malaclypse the Younger
Rip Off Press, March 1970
Amazon | Wikipedia
The Sex Magicians
Robert Anton Wilson,
Sheffield House Books, 1973
Wikipedia | PDF
The Complete Motorcycle
Nomad: A Guide To
Machines, Equipment,
People, And Places
Roger Lovin
Little, Brown, 1974
Amazon | 1973 Kirkus Review
The Book of the Breast
Robert Anton Wilson
Playboy Press, 1974
Amazon | Wikipedia
Back In The Sack
Judith Abrahms
Moonrise Press, 1975
Lunaception: A Feminine
Odyssey into Fertility
and Contraception
Louise Lacey
Coward, McCann &
Geoghegan, 1975
Amazon | Lunaception.net
Robert Shea and
Robert Anton Wilson
Dell, 1975
Amazon | Wikipedia
Online Reading Group
The Ophidian Conspiracy
John F. Carr
Major Books, 1976
Zen Without Zen Masters
Camden Benares
And/Or Press, 1977