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September Eris of the Month 2019 – Goth Eris

September Eris of the Month - Goth Eris

A lovely Goth Eris found on Discordia Chronicles Wiki.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

art discordianism eris of the month

August Eris of the Month 2019: Voodoo Carving Eris

August Eris of the Month 2019: Voodoo Carving Eris

Yes, another belated EOTM. But this one is worth it: a really cool oak carving of Our Lady Eris by Voodoo Carving.

Find this and other incredible esoteric carvings (there’s even a Flying Spaghetti Monster!) at his Etsy store.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.