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OFFICIAL BUSINESS: Reviews, News, and Interviews


With the recent release of Historia Discordia, the first book of several from the Erisian materials preserved in the Discordian Archives, multi-instances of unauthorized Discordian activity have been observed. Each and every fnord has been inappropriately cataloged for future chaos repercussions. Hail Eris!

The following is a semi-listicle of Authorized Discordian Society Activity for your re-education and amusement:

Announcing New HD Staff Members:

Go Forth, and Promote!

For semi-daily shameless promotion of Historia Discordia, a dreaded (but fun and foul!) Facebook page has been manifested by Goddess:

Like it, then once “Liked,” be sure to also “Get Notifications” to keep the fnords-a-fnording in your Fnordbook feed!


We announced an Eris of the Month Club.
Join, Submit, or Eat a Bunless Hot Dog. It’s your fnordean choice.

Michele Witchipoo holding her
copy of Historia Discordia.
Courtesy of Michele Witchipoo.

Interviews on Gorightly’s Historia Discordia and Clutterbuck’s Chasing Eris: interview:
Adam Gorightly — neither gonzo nor crockpot

Cult of Nick interview with Adam Gorightly:
A chat with Adam Gorightly writer of Historia Discordia

Binall of America Historia Discordia Interview:
Esoterica’s crackpot historian and longtime friend of BoA:Audio, Adam Gorightly returns to the program to discuss his new book Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society. Adam shares the amazing tale of how the book all came together and then provides listeners with a tremendously detailed history of how the Discordian Society started and subsequently evolved. He takes us through Operation Mindfuck as well as explains the Principia Discordia and how it changed over the years.

Opperman Report:
Adam Gorightly: Historia Discordia & The Shadow Over Santa Susana: Black Magic, Mind Control And The Manson Family Mythos

Phantom Power:
Interview with author, Adam Gorightly conducted July 16th, 2014.

Expanding Mind Interview On Historia Discordia:
Anarchism, synchronicity, and the joke religion spawned by the vision of a Goddess in a bowling alley: a talk with “crackpot historian” Adam Gorightly about his new book Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society.

Brenton Clutterbuck manifesting
Ewige Blumenkraft!
Glen Best of Cairns FM 98.1 interviews Clutterbuck:
Interview with Brenton Clutterbuck about his Chasing Eris project

Wikinews interviews Brenton Clutterbuck
Wikinews contributor Patrick Gillett interviewed Brenton Clutterbuck about his project on Discordianism.

And then, we come to a fnord Review

John Higgs Review of Historia Discordia:
Adam Gorightly’s new book is hardcore. The most battle-hardened historian would blanch at writing a history of Discordian Society.”

daisy eris campbell kenneth campbell letters robert anton wilson timothy leary

Daisy Eris Campbell: Letter from RAW to Ken Campbell

art discordianism floyd anderson music video

And now for something completely fnord…

Historia Discordia staff member and video gurumph Floyd Anderson has released a new viddy-ditty that we thought would be of fnording interest to sombunall trouble-making Erisianoids.

Enjoy if you dare!

9/11: A Mega Fnord from Floyd Anderson on Vimeo.

“With this video I had in mind the Sacred Chao and what the reaction to 9/11 did, imposing more order upon society and at the same time being the trigger for a great awakening.
Floyd Anderson


audio book charles manson discordianism greg hill interview jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald official business video warren commission

Adam Gorightly interviewed on The Opperman Report

Ed Opperman interviews Adam Gorightly about his lastest book,
Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society,
and all kinds of other odd and fun High Weirdness.

Hail Eris!

audio book discordianism interview official business principia discordia writings

First Gorightly Interview About Historia Discordia The Book

Historia Discordia:
The Origins of the
Discordian Society
Get Your Copy Now!
Expanding Mind Podcast June 29, 2014
with Adam Gorightly

Anarchism, synchronicity, and the joke religion spawned by the vision of a Goddess in a bowling alley: a talk with “crackpot historian” Adam Gorightly about his new book Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society.

Hail Eris!

art book discordianism greg hill kerry thornley official business photo principia discordia robert anton wilson writings

Behold! A fnord of beauty and chaos…

Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society
Get Yer Copy Now!

book discordian timeline discordianism jfk kerry thornley lee harvey oswald warren commission

50 Years Ago: Testimony of Kerry Wendell Thornley

From the final report of the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, known unofficially as the “Warren Commission”

The Idle Warriors by Kerry W. Thornley, published by IllumiNet Press, 1991
The testimony of Kerry Wendell Thornley was taken at 9:40 a.m., on May 18, 1964, at 200 Maryland Avenue NE., Washington, D.C., by Messrs. John Ely and Albert E. Jenner, Jr., assistant counsel of the President’s Commission.

Mr. Thornley, in the deposition you are about to give, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
I do.

You are Kerry Wendell Thornley, spelled K-e-r-r-y W-e-n-d-e-l-l T-h-o-r-n-l-e-y?

That is correct, sir.

Mr. Thornley, where do you reside now?

At 4201 South 31st Street in Arlington, Va.

Did you at one time reside at 1824 Dauphine Street in New Orleans?

Yes, sir.

What is your present occupation?

I am a doorman at the building where I reside, Shirlington House.


discordianism music official business video

Elektronik Supersonik: Discordians See All, most of the time.

book discordianism greg hill kerry thornley letters principia discordia robert newport writings zines

Discordian I Ching: Lord Omar Desires Guidance For This Coming Year (1970)

I Ching divination cast by Greg Hill for Kerry Thornley, dated April 26, 1970.
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

A very-long forty-four years ago, this very day, during the rapidly loss-of-hippie-innocence known as that infernal year of 1970, Greg Hill cast an I Ching, or the Book of Changes, hexagram for Kerry Thornley (aka Lord Omar), based on Thornley’s inquiry:

“Lord Omar desires guidance for this coming year.”

As seen in the letter above, Hill cast Hexagram 38, K’uie (Opposites, or Opposition) moving into Hexagram 64, the I Ching’s last hexagram, Wei Chi (Before Completion, or Unfinished Business) for Thornley, where Hill tells Thornley based on I Ching interpretation tradition:

“Before the fox makes it across the ice, his tail gets wet.”

We Chi is an interesting casting for Thornley at this time. Thornley was ascending into High Weirdness after being targeted as a possible “Second Oswald” by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s JFK Assassination investigation. Thornley would soon, in the mid-70s and following years, order part of his life around the JFK Assassination based on his belief of recovered memories of involvement in the early-60s with the mysterious “Brother-in-Law” as he documents in his infamous The Dreadlock Recollections. As he tried to make sense of it all, Thornley could aptly be described as a “wet-tailed fox” during this time where his “transition from disorder to order is not yet complete,” although Thornley was trying his best to complete that transition with his increasingly conspiratorial speculations.

Not only did Hill cast hexagrams for fellow Discordians, but he also included exactly one reference to the I Ching in the Principia Discordia on the last proper canon page of the Fourth Edition of the book, Page 00074, entitled “Part Five: The Golden Secret.” This page is possibly the book’s most gung-ho positive message in the entire endeavor, giddily proclaiming:

And when men become free then mankind will be free.
My you be free of The Curse of Greyface.
May the Goddess put twinkles in your eyes.
May you have the knowledge of a sage,
    and the wisdom of a child.
Hail Eris.

On the bottom-right of Page 00074 is pasted a black marker representation of Hexagram 11: T’ai (or Peace), shown below. This hexagram is also to be found in the July/August 1970 issue of Hill’s zine The Greater Poop #30 on Page 00004 discussing the Discordian Rev. Dr. Hypocrates Magoun, P.P., and his “antics” with LSD during his United States Air Force service. The Rev. Dr. Hypocrates Magoun is the Discordian name of Robert Newport, an Early Discordian and savior of Greg Hill’s Discordian archives.

As all these Greg Hill hexagrams occur around the same time in the late-60s/early-70s, shown above, below, and in previous posts, it’s clear Hill was at this time dabbling with the eternal mysticism of the I Ching and producing it in his literature and correspondences, as well as being called on by his fellow Discordians to cast their fates.

Now whether it did them any good? No Blame. Hail Eris!

Page 00074 of the Sacred PUD (the original Paste-Up Discordia):
Part Five: The Golden Secret with I Ching Hexagram 11, T'ai or Peace.
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
book discordianism greg hill hacking principia discordia writings zines


Greg Hill:
Some Useful Information Regarding Simple Cyphers, undated.
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

The Discordian Archives are filled with Greg Hill’s interests and hobbies. One such hobby of Hill’s was the use of simple ciphers.

Hill’s dabbling in cryptography and the promotion of secure communications is evident in this undated, but most-likely late 1960s, missive from the Joshua Norton Lodge entitled “Some Useful Information Regarding Simple Cyphers,” probably sent to his Usual Suspects zine mailing list.

In it, Hill lays out a simple algorithm that replaces the same number of characters for each letter to encrypt and decrypt a given message. So not a secure code, per se, but a simple substitution cipher, used through-out history going back to at least Julius Caesar’s reign of the Roman Empire and all the state secrets he had to secretly and securely communicate about across the World’s Most Successful Empire to keep that shit going right-as-rain on a daily basis. Julius did a pretty damn good job with his ciphers and kept things a-moving for the Empire until he got him all stabbed-up by his buddies in the Senate. Yet, his cipher lived on. Hail Caesar!

Page 00071 of the Sacred PUD (the original Paste-Up Discordia): Discordian Society Super Secret Cryptographic Cypher Code by Greg Hill from the Principia Discordia.
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
An interesting 21st Century Internet cypherdom tie-in to note is Hill’s usage of the term “cypher” vs. “cipher” in the late 1960s, a very prescient pre-cyberpunk name-styling considering the era of the original missive in the 60s and how such geek-spellings were later adopted by fringe computer users and hackers starting in the mid-to-late-80s. Whether this is a “style” choice or a simple misspelling by Hill is hard to determine. Yet, also of note, is that Hill includes a “cypher” in the Fourth Edition of the Principia Discordia on Page 00071 entitled “Discordian Society Super Secret Cryptographic Cypher Code,” a wonderful silly cryptic redundancy.

In the Principia Discordia, Hill encodes “HAIL ERIS” as the example and provides a step-by-step encryption methodolgy of the phrase that produces a nonsensical result once decrypted. In this Principia Discordia example, “HAIL ERIS” = “AEHILRS” as the decoded term. And then Hill declares, “This cryptographic cypher code is GUARANTEED TO BE 100% UNBREAKABLE.” Indeed, it is.

On a side-note, this “cypher” page of the Principia Discordia appears in the Rip-Off Press Fourth Edition with the Eye-in-the-Pyramid base pasted-on the lower-right facing outwards towards the book’s bleed, while the Loompanics Fourth Edition reproduction of the page has the Eye-in-the-Pyramid base facing inward towards that edition’s staple binding.

I’m sure this is an encoded message I have yet to decypher.