The first salvo—or Golden Apple—to be tossed (or rolled) into this New Age Pagan Wicca festival of fortune tellers and crystal channelers will be provided courtesy of my friend St. Mae and her chaotic crew at who will present at the exalted hour of 11pm (otherwise known in Aneristic-militaristic-clock-time as 2300) on the ever lucky day of Friday, February 13th—an “Authentic Recon Lady Gaga Devotional/Clothing Swap,” which hopefully indicates that people will be taking their clothes off, a longstanding Discordian tradition dating back to at least the late-60s.

When I asked St. Mae for more details about this Lady Gaga inspired clothing swap, she replied:
“I am very pleased with the meat costume one of us will be wearing. We found a bacon dress costume, and I am making a headpiece out of a steak dog toy.”
As for yours truly, I’ll be doing a Historia Discordia song-and-dance the following evening, Saturday, Feb. 14 (1+4=5)—once again at the exalted hour of 2300 (2+3+0+0=5)—according to the Law of Fives.
So if you Pantheacon attendees have had enough charka cleansing and bathing your feet in tea by this late hour come check us out!
Preceding my presentation will be Erik Davis with Babalon Rising: Jack Parsons’ Witchcraft Prophecy which sounds like a hoot.
Here’s the complete Pantheacon program guide.
On a related note, Discordianism will go all academic-like on April 23rd (according to the Law of Fives and the 23 Enigma) when I’ll be speaking at CalArts for a series Doug Harvey has masterminded called “Outsider Theory” where he’s presenting for his students the works of such mad geniuses as Richard Shaver, James Shelby Downard, not to mention certain fringe religions.
I may even show up with a rare Holy Discordian text or two.