discordianism writings

Sophia Uses An Apple!

Guest post by Robert Denton

Now that I’ve gotten Adam Gorightly’s excellent Historia Discordia (Amazon), I’m starting to see some really intriguing parallels between the Discordians and the Gnostics (the latter of whom I’ve always been very interested in).

One of the central principles of Discordianism is that “the only thing you can know is that you cannot know anything…” reminds me of the gnostic concept of the nature of the “Source” or “Pleroma,” which was also ultimately unknowable as well. The Pleroma created from pure thought Sophia, or “knowledge,” the source of enlightenment for humans, who through the medium of the “fruit of the tree of knowledge” causes Adam and Eve (mankind) to become self-aware. Now it’s interesting that Sophia uses an apple, or that the fruit of the tree is most often represented as an apple; and the “original snub” of Discordianism is a golden apple with the word “Kallisti” (to the most beautiful) which Eris tossed into the wedding feast of Thetis and Peleus, and eventually would lead to the Trojan War as a result of a jealous tiff among the Greek Goddesses. Sophia was usually associated with the soul by the gnostics, and the soul was often thought to have its seat in the pineal gland. The Discordians speak to Eris via the pineal gland (coincidence? I think not…). 🙂

Old Greyface of the Discordians is really parallel with the demiurge, who the Gnostics associated with Jehovah or YHWH. Both of them try to convince mankind that there is an “order” to the cosmos, and they were responsible for creating it (which they were) but being imperfect themselves, their creation was inherently imperfect (thus, we get cruelty, ignorance, hot dog buns, and chiggers). What they really don’t want mankind to know is that Sophia actually created us (or our soul personalities), and that we are in fact closer to the Pleroma than they are. Of course, there were those who wanted to stick to orthodoxy, and for them the Church of the Sub Genius was created by Bob Dobbs, with JHVH-1 being essentially the embodiment of Greyface.

Then again, both the Discordians and the Gnostics may simply have been insane… but Eris tells me otherwise. 🙂

art discordianism eris of the month official business

August 2014 Eris of the Month

August 2014 Eris of the Month by Cpt. Bucky Saia.
Click to embiggen.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!

audio book discordianism kerry thornley robert anton wilson video

VIDEO: Adam Gorightly Talks About Kerry Thornley and Robert Anton Wilson

Adam Gorightly speaking at San Diego’s Conspiracy Cafe, January 2012 about Discordians Kerry Thornley and Robert Anton Wilson.

Video excerpt courtesy of Skylaire Alfvegren.
(Full Video with Musical Interludes!)

book discordianism greg hill kerry thornley official business

Discordian Archives Rescued From Disastrous Wildfire!

Junction Wildfire.
Well, the title is kinda true. We had to evacuate The Discordian Archives Hindquarters (DAH) yesterday when the Junction Wildfire came rampaging our way.

I had been monitoring the situation, and so in an orderly fashion loaded the two cats and other stuff in my truck. When the word came down to evacuate, I got the hell out of Dodge. Among the items I took with me, of course, where the key pieces of the Discordian Archives, which included the 1st edition of Principia Discordia as well as The Honest Book of Truth.

We’re back at the DAH now and all is well. The firefighters sound like they’re getting the upper-hand on the fire. Unfortunately, a few structures were lost in town, but nobody was injured, so that’s what’s really important.

The front piece to the Paste-Up Discordia (known as The Sacred PUD).
Courtesy the Discordian Archives.
Also to let every Erisian know that be might concerned, the original Paste-Ups of the Fourth Edition of the Principia Discordia (fnorded as the Sacred PUD), along with other materials yet to be released, are currently located outside of Atlanta, known as the Discordian Archives East, so they are well safe-and-sound and were never in danger.

Hail Eris and All Hail the Brave Firefighters of the World!

book discordianism photo principia discordia writings

Lost Treasure of Eris Revisited

We recently posted some scans from a little Discordian ditty called the Lost Treasure of Eris.

The fellow who sent the scans, Alfred Vitale, was pleased as punch about this, and sent me a few more snapshots of this Erisian wonder, along with these comments:

LOVED the piece on your blog! Finally started Historia Discordia… it is awesome! I will write more in detail at some point soon… it makes me laugh out loud. Nobody in my house knows what Discordianism is… but I’ve tried to share Principia and whatever doctrinal witticisms I could, but they just rolled their eyes. Same thing happened when I gave a talk recently at a high school. 15 kids in the room, but ONE of them decided to go check out Principia online… perhaps a seed planted. But I think your book has made my wife and daughter believe that my lunacy is not so unique now… so thanks 🙂

I had to use my camera phone because the book’s a bit fragile and if I lay it flat it may fall apart. These are a couple of random page shots—not complete pages, but maybe helpful?

The Lost Treasure of Eris,
page on the books publication.
Courtesy of Alfred Vitale.
The Lost Treasure of Eris,
Eris Training.
Courtesy of Alfred Vitale.

The Lost Treasure of Eris,
page on Aleister Crowley.
Courtesy of Alfred Vitale.
The Lost Treasure of Eris,
The Book of Gammy Grogs.
Courtesy of Alfred Vitale.

book discordianism official business writings

Historia Discordia: 23 With A Magick Bullet!

Historia Discordia is currently ranked #1 in the Movements category at Amazon as of this writing.

But what I find most encouraging (and synchronistic) is that the overall Amazon Best Sellers ranking for the book is #2,323!

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia! And All Hail fellow Discordians!

discordianism greg hill kerry thornley letters writings

Greg Hill Gets Letters! (Part 00001)

Letter Package from Kerry Thornley to Greg Hill, 1976. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

Celine’s Second Law: Communication occurs only between equals.

Welcome to a new series here at Historia Discordia called “Greg Hill Gets Letters,” featuring chaotic correspondence sent to Hill from fellow Discordians throughout the years.

In the first episode, we present a package of happiness sent from Kerry Thornley to Greg during the period Kerry was living in a renovated chicken coop in Tujunga, California, around 1976 or thereabouts.

Detail of the Letter Package from Kerry Thornley to Greg Hill, 1976.
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

book discordianism photo principia discordia writings

An Amazing Discordian Discovery: The Lost Treasure of Eris

The Lost Treasure of Eris,
inside page.
Courtesy of Alfred Vitale.
The Lost Treasure of Eris,
cover page.
Courtesy of Alfred Vitale.
The Lost Treasure of Eris,
back page.
Courtesy of Alfred Vitale.
Thanks to Alfred Vitale for sharing these scans of a rare and for the most part unknown Discordian tract entitled The Lost Treasure of Eris: Or How Eris Found Me, and What She Did to Me, When She Found Me !?! published by KALLISTI Productions in 1987 with an introduction by Episcopos BOB Invisibilus Invinsicilus—which seems like an appropriate name for someone introducing a Discordian book due to the fact that darn near ⅓ of the first wave of Discordians were named Bob—and trust me that’s no exaggeration. This early Discordian Bob Cabal included Wilson, Shea, McElroy, Yeager, Newport (and I’m probably forgetting 2 or 3)—not to mention Roger Lovin, whose middle name was Robert. (Bob Dobbs is another story.)

The Lost Treasure of Eris also happens to be dedicated to a number of Bobs—including the aforementioned Wilson and Shea—not to mention a certain someone named Banner. In this case, I assume Episcopos BOB was referring to Bob Banner, former editor and publisher of the late, great conspiracy magazine Critique that during the course of its run would occasionally feature articles by RAW.

The Illuminoids and Critique magazine.
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
Here’s an excerpt from Jesse Walker’s The United States of Paranoia (Amazon) that talks about Bob Banner and Critique.

The Lost Treasure of Eris dedication page also acknowledges Neil Wilgus, author of The Illuminoids, another must-have book for one’s Illuminati Discordian-library back in the day when the Eye in the Pyramid had suddenly become all the rage.

Den of Discordian Iniquity: Magickal Childe Bookstore, late 1980s.
Alfred informs me that he discovered The Lost Treasure of Eris at the Magickal Childe book store in NYC in the 1980s. If memory serves me correctly, this is where Mark Philip Steele (creator of the Illuminatus! comix) told me he came across a copy of the ultra rare Revisionist Edition of the Principia Discordia (circa ’76.)

So it appears that the Magickal Childe had an affinity for Discordian obscurities such as these.

Alfred and I would like to track down the origins of this strange relic—The Lost Treasure of Eris—that was supposedly first published 10 years or so before its ’87 re-publication. So if you have any info please let us know!

interview robert anton wilson zines

Off The Deep End Interview With RAW

Cover of Off The Deep End #4 zine by Tim Cridland. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
One of my all time fav zines was Tim Cridland’s Off The Deep End (OTDE) that could best be described as… well, I don’t know, exactly. A mix of all kinds of weird information that sometimes came across as a hip-conspiratorial-countercultural spin on the The World Weekly News.

OTDE never took itself too seriously, which also appealed greatly to yours truly, neither endorsing nor dismissing the mind-bending mishmash of material that Tim cobbled together in the ten or so issues published between 1987-1991—simply letting the readers make up their own minds as to the validity of the content. OTDE was a great peek into the conspiracy and paranormal scenes of the period, predating The X-Files, Art Bell, etc., before such topics as underground bases and shape shifting reptilians became overly trendy.

Tim has always impressed me as a topnotch researcher, much of this research conducted off hours/in between shows while touring the country as Zamora the Torture King.

Tim is co-author of Weird Nevada (Amazon) with Joe Oesterle, and was recently interviewed on Greg Bishop’s Radio Misterioso.

To follow is Tim’s interview with Robert Anton Wilson that first appeared in OTDE #4 sometime in the late-80s/early-90s.

Off The Deep End #4 interview with RAW, Page 00001. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
Off The Deep End #4 interview with RAW, Page 00002. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

Off The Deep End #4 interview with RAW, Page 00003. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
Off The Deep End #4 interview with RAW, Page 00004. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

art book discordianism greg hill illuminati illuminatus! writings

There Is No Enemy Anywhere: Week 24 Illuminatus! Group Reading

There Is No Enemy Anywhere card by Greg Hill.
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
Week 24 of the Illuminatus! Group Reading: On Page 236 of Illuminatus! (Amazon) , a mysterious business card that says


is discovered by some cops while searching the room of an apparent suicide victim named Oedipuski.

The late Mr. Oedipuski had been a former member of the ultra right-wing militant Christian group God’s Lightning before suddenly turning into a radical left-wing revolutionary (or something to that effect) and then was found shortly after floating tits up in the Chicago River, presumably murdered for switching allegiances from the radical right to the radical left.

It can be further presumed that the Legion of Dynamic Discord had a hand in Oedipuski’s sudden transformation—from Jesus Freak to just plain FREAK—the LDD probably blowing his brain with a heavy dose of AUM, the anti-MK-Ultra psychedelic mind control drug used to deprogram/reprogram guys like Oedipuski from their previous fucked-up programs.

Envelope for the There Is No Enemy/Friend Anywhere cards by Greg Hill. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
Another LDD programming tool—although not explicitly described as such in Illuminatus!—is the


card, which was another method to deliver a new imprint to Oedipuski’s head—that neither the radical right or radical left were “real” enemies of one another—and that to become truly free, one needed to escape the Us-Against-Them groupthink matrix, which appears to have been (maybe) the intended purpose of this mysterious business card discovered at Oedipuski’s pad.

In the “real world” of Discordianism, this cryptic card concept was something Greg Hill played with ala Operation Mindfuck, as under the guise of Professor Iggy he’d occasionally send out just such cards—without explanation—with “There is no enemy anywhere” or “There is no friend anywhere” printed on them, each particular card going to a certain person/mindset to jolt them awake—like a zen koan, Discordian-style.

Envelope by Greg Hill:
TOP CONSPIRATORIAL (Illuminated Seers).
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
The above set of photos was an odd little item I only discovered after several run-throughs/reviews of the Discordian Archives; a “There is no enemy anywhere” card inside a small envelope with “TOP CONSPIRATORIAL (Illuminated Seers)” typed on it, topped off with a red “Military” stamp.

I had intended this little oddity for inclusion in Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordia Society (Amazon), but it failed to make the final mix because the publisher requested that I re-shoot the photos again because they were too dark to display well. Unfortunately (Hail Eris!) I was unable to track down this little item, although rummaging several times through the archives to re-locate it. However, I was able to secure a couple of “There is no enemy anywhere” cards, one of which is reproduced in the book.