Dear friends,
Please spread the word on this Indiegogo launch for The Hill and the Hole, a film featuring yours truly as a wise-cracking sociopathic Freemasonic fry dough truck operator and cult leader!
If everything goes as planned, you may even get to see me kill a person or two.
Check out the teaser trailer below and if you are so moved, help any way you can at the film’s Indiegogo page:
The Hill and the Hole | Trailer 1 | 10.31.17 from The Hill and the Hole on Vimeo.
@thehillandthehole on Instagram & Facebook
A teaser for the supernatural independent feature film, The Hill and the Hole, adapted from a Fritz Leiber short story, retold by directors Chris Ernst & Bill Darmon. A weird tale from the southwest. Who would you sacrifice?
Film Score: Drew O'Doherty
Featuring: Liam Kelly, Kristen Brody, Brandt Adams, Adam Gorightly, Chris Dunlop, Matthew O'Donnell, Ricardo Burgos, Xochi, William McLane