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Discordianism Meets Ufology (Part 00002)

'Flying Saucers Are Real' button produced by Whittier, California's own Gabriel Green of the Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America, Inc.
Discordian Society founder Greg Hill remained interested in UFOs over the years, as revealed by clippings on the subject discovered in The Discordian Archives. In this regard, I suspect Hill’s interest was more concerned with the phenomenon’s sociological implications as opposed to any particular belief system (BS) he held in regards to whether UFOs were “real.”

Kerry Thornley, however, claimed that UFOs originated from below West Virginia, a notion he once shared with fellow Discordian Louise Lacey aka Lady L., F.A.B. (Fucking Anarchist Bitch.)

West Virginia—it should be noted—was a hotbed for high strangeness throughout the 1950s and 60s, first with the famous Flatwoods Monster sighting and then a series of UFO reports occurring in and around Point Pleasant, West Virginia during the same period as the fabled Mothman sightings reported by Fortean journalist John Keel in his classic The Mothman Prophecies.

How Thornley latched on to this West Virginia-UFO theory, I’m not quite sure, but by the mid-70s he began to connect man-made Nazi UFOs to the string of political assassinations of the late-60s as documented in an excerpt from a December 6th, 1976 letter sent to Greg Hill:

“The Nazis invented flying saucers during WWII and the assassinations and terrorism seem to have been part of an angry publicity stunt to bring to the world’s attention the engine in the UFOs, which uses no fossil fuels or uranium, but relies on electromagnetic principles to generate cheap, clean energy from the ions in the air or something. Gary Kirstein gave me all the hints I needed to put this thing together years ago, but I did not integrate them.

“See what I mean? It even gets weirder than that—at least more elaborate. But you get the idea. I’m a pawn in some stupid game of conspiracy politics.

“The outfit of Nazis who murdered JFK, MLK, RFK, and Tate were working for is a defense industry security agency called Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC). Hail Eris! An incredible amount of secret society terrorism within the Intelligence Community seems to have been carried out in the name of the Discordian Society.

“…It is possible I have a radio in one of my tooth fillings, installed by the CIA at Atsugi, and that I have dreams which are transmitted to me by the Nazi Shambala. It is also possible that both the CIA and DISC thought they had the transmitters for me and intended to use me, each to trick the other, in an abortive plot to overthrow the government. If this is the case, then I would appear to be a humanoid robot for freedom… You don’t have to believe this, but I am sincere, and it is one of the few premises that explains most of it…”

12/6/76 letter from Thornley to Greg Hill discussing UFOs,
as well as RAW, Leary and Howard Hughes' double.

Early Discordian Louise Lacey.
As for Louise Lacey, she witnessed a couple UFO sightings over the years, the first occurring in Texas as a child, and the second—and most mind-blowing—in Berkeley, California in the late 1970s, as recounted in this audio clip taken from an interview with yours truly.

Listen below,

or if that doesn’t work for you, download the MP3.

I recently came across a UFO incident description with accompanying illustration at Albert Rosales’s very groovy Humanoid and other strange encounters facebook page that looks a helluva lot like whatever it was Louise witnessed. (Hail Eris!)

Here’s the description from Humanoid and other strange encounters:

Laughing humanoids, France 1959

Location. Aubagne Bouches du Rhone France
Date: end of October 1959 Time: 1800

Miss Moulet, 45, was hanging out her washing in the twilight, with her 3 children, when she saw an egg-shaped object descend silently, to hover just above her. Through a wide triangular window in its front, strongly illuminated, she could see about 20 persons, tall, with wavy blond hair and very light skin, wearing white suits and short sleeves. They were smiling or perhaps laughing at her. The air became very cold. After 10-15 minutes the object took off again, disappearing in 2 or 3 seconds, leaving a slight trail.

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VIDEO: Cosmic Trigger Theatrical Promo

Cosmic Trigger Theatrical Promo from C S on Vimeo.

Promo for the Cosmic Trigger theatrical experience!

Shot by: Laurence Blyth, Beccy Strong, Emma George, Nic Alderton.
Edit: Nic Alderton.

art discordianism greg hill robert anton wilson timothy leary

Antero Alli’s Tarot Decks

Antero Alli
Not only is this site dedicated to those trail blazing Discordians who put Eris on the map—which is not the territory, btw—but also to those who have carried the torch forward spreading the gospel of Goddess as well as exploring many other of those illuminating landscapes the Early Discordians traversed, including RAW (in cahoots with Tim Leary) and their shared explorations of Space Migration, Intelligence Increase, Life Extension (SMI2LE) and the Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness.

Antero Alli is one such adventurous spirit who has advanced RAW’s work another step (or two) in his books and films, many of these focusing on the Eight Circuit Model, which if you need a primer on you can check out this series of youtube vids.

Somewhere along the way Antero embraced Discordianism, and after becoming a card carrying Discordian Pope he started two new religions of his own: Confusionism and The Church of Fred Mertz.

In the late-70s and early-80s, RAW hosted Discordian salons at his Berkeley hills home that Antero attended along with the likes of Discordian Society founder Greg Hill. At one such salon, Antero recalled Hill whispering to him: “If dogma means absolute belief in anything, then katma probably means relative disbelief in something.”

During this period, the budding young writer Antero mentioned to RAW that he was working on a book concept (Angel Tech, published in 1988) that would take Leary’s theories and put them into practice by creating rituals revolving around the 8 Circuits. Concurrently RAW was working on a similar book that would employ a series of exercises to activate the Circuits (Prometheus Rising, 1984.) Alli has continued to navigate these neural networks with The Eight-Circuit Brain, 2009. Part of Antero’s method of exploring these realms includes a Tarot Deck he began developing in the early 1980s.

When I first got my hands on the Discordian Archives, I came across one such deck—hand drawn by Antero—which he’d apparently given to Greg Hill during one of their Discordian salon encounters, and of course it seemed only right that I should return the deck to Antero, who had all but forgotten about this long ago relic—or that he had even given it to Hill.

Cards 1, 1 ½ and 2 of the Chaos Tarot Deck that Antero Alli gave to Greg Hill.
Courtesy of Antero Alli.

Antero and his wife Sylvie have further refined this Tarot Deck concept with The Vertical Oracle comprised of an instructional manual and Tarot Deck “designed to incite creative responses to everyday real life quandaries. The ageless archetypes—Magic, Death, Rebirth, Ritual, Chaos, Hope, Synchronicity—are given a 21st century context for inspiring more meaningful connections between our vertical spiritual sources and the horizontal realms of the out-there material world.”

You can find out more about the always evolving and perpetually prolific Mr. Alli at

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We’re Fno-o-o-o-ord: Week 30 Illuminatus! Group Reading

Page 00010 of the Sacred PUD with fnords. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
And Historia Discordia is back! Dearest Eris decided to give us an unexpected end-of-summer week off due to some Markoff Chaney-style technical website hijinxery, Hail Eris!, but nothing lasts forever, so it’s time to get back on the horse…

First up, a post meant for last week’s Illuminatus! Group Reading. Usually, we post an Eris of the Month entry every 23rd, but we’ll post that tomorrow on the 24th, just to give a little slap back to Our Lady of Confusion for her testiness.

I’m a little late to the fnord party, as this weird word was apparently first introduced into the Illuminatus! (Amazon) lexicon way back on page 280 and shows up here again in Week 30—just the same I thought I’d play a little catch up, although I really have no great fnord insights to share other than to point out the first known appearance of this weirdo word was in the 4th ed. of Principia Discordia.

Fnord sticker by Greg Hill. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
The only other fnords I’ve seen—other than those that allegedly appear in Illuminatus!—are a bunch of fnord stickers that Greg Hill produced to help promote the book. In this regard, Hill was an exuberant cheerleader for this truly Discordian effort, and as previously posted here at Historia Discordia helped RAW concoct an Illuminatus! review by a certain Mordecai Zwack.

To further illustrate Hill’s involvement—with RAW, Robert Shea and Illuminatus!—I post a letter here for your probable reading enjoyment from Hill to RAW in the year of our Goddess, 3141. This was during the period that Hill was living in NYC. Hill mentions a poster-collage he was contemplating / working on at this time that had “fizzled out,” although he later shared a rough version of it with RAW.

Letter from Greg Hill to RAW, dated September 9, 1975, Page 00001. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
Letter from Greg Hill to RAW, dated September 9, 1975, Page 00002. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

Letter from Greg Hill to RAW, dated September 9, 1975, Page 00003. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
Poster by Greg Hill for Illuminatus!, circa 1975.
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

Jerry Milton Brooks
Hill talks about being unproductive, as this was a depressive period for him; he’d recently separated from his wife Jeanetta and had taken a dismal bank clerk job in NYC. Hill also mentions a recent visit with Kerry Thornley in Atlanta, and shares Kerry’s theory about the JFK assassination and how one of the supposed conspirators, Slim Brooks (who Kerry believed was actually Jerry Milton Brooks) was one of the chosen five to receive a 1st ed. copy of Principia Discordia, which is available at long last in Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society (Amazon).

On page 2 of Hill’s letter, he recounts a synchronistic moment between he, Thornley and the spirit of RAW, which probably cemented even more in poor Kerry’s mind that RAW was an evil agent of the Illuminati who possessed paranormal powers and could deliver thunder bolts on request!

On page 3, Hill mentions another can of worms in Thornley’s head concerning a party in a Atlanta that is discussed in more depth in my latest book about all of this craziness, Caught in the Crossfire: Kerry Thornley, Lee Oswald and the Garrison Investigation (Amazon).

Towards the end, Hill inquires if there’s any news about Sirius, which of course was referring to RAW’s famous July 23rd encounter. The Secret Chiefs, I assume, also refers to the July 23rd Dog Days experience. Who “Nichols at Voice” was, I have no idea, unless it’s a reference to The Village Voice. As for Leary, he was still in prison at this point, but it was not long after—in April of ‘76—that California Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown granted Leary’s release.

Hill finishes with a philosophical point—which is a bit over my head—although I think it’s referring to that quote by Alfred Korzybski of which RAW was so fond: “The map is not the territory.”

“Zap ‘em at Gnostica” refers—I believe—to a series of esoteric workshops that RAW was part of in San Francisco at this time sponsored by Gnostica magazine called Gnosticon. Here are some scans from the Gnosticon newsletter that includes RAW’s bio and a description of the workshops he presented, which consisted of his early explorations into Leary’s Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness.

Gnostica newsletter on RAW's talk, Page 00001. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
Gnostica newsletter on RAW's talk, Page 00002. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
Gnostica newsletter on RAW's talk, Page 00003. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
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Bavarian Illuminati Letterhead for Fun and Profit

RAW Bavarian Illuminati Letter to Joanna Wilson, dated September 15, 1973.
Some good stuff being done by esoteric scholar, Christian Greer, who received a research fellowship to dive into the New York Public Library’s Timothy Leary archives established last year.

An illuminating snippet Christian has just posted is one of the infamous Bavarian Illuminati Letterheads sent from RAW to Leary’s wife Joanna in 1973 while Tim was serving time in the slammer.

Also included is some notebook stationary (created by Harold Lord Randomfactor) initiating RAW into the Discordian Society, courtesy of Discordian Society founder Mal-2 (aka Gregory Hill).

In the spirit of such long ago Illuminati inspired correspondences, we bring to you now—back by popular demand!—your very own pristine Discordian Bavarian Illuminati Letterhead (PDF)!

Download, share, write your Congresscritter, or hold it in your hand while you agitate loudly on street corners!

Brought to you by the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB).

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Daisy Eris Campbell: Letter from RAW to Ken Campbell

discordianism greg hill letters timothy leary

Greg Hill Letter to Timothy Leary

Submitted for your approval, a letter from Greg Hill (aka Malaclypse the Younger) to Timothy Leary, High Priest of LSD, from February 8, 1969.

Not sure if Greg enclosed anything else with the letter, or if there was any particular reason behind it other than to try to blow the mind of the very same man who had done so much to corrupt the youth of America.

Greg Hill letter to Timothy Leary, February 8, 1969.
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.