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July Eris of the Month 2019: G̸l̵i̶t̷c̷h̸ ̵T̵V̶ ̸B̴o̷t̵ Eris

July Eris of the Month 2019: G̸l̵i̶t̷c̷h̸ ̵T̵V̶ ̸B̴o̷t̵ Eris

Found via twitter G̸l̵i̶t̷c̷h̸ ̵T̵V̶ ̸B̴o̷t̵.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

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March Eris of the Month 2019: Chaos-Haired Eris

March Eris of the Month 2019: Chaos-Haired Eris

We noticed Tom Jackson at discovered this wonderful chaos-haired Eris via twitter.

Good eye, Tom!

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

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January Eris of the Month 2019: Eris by IrenHorrors

January Eris of the Month 2019: Eris by IrenHorrors.

January Eris of the Month 2019: Eris by IrenHorrors at DeviantArt.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

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August Eris of the Month 2018: Eris MickeyMickey by Roscoe Dogbone

August Eris of the Month 2018: Eris MickeyMickey by Roscoe Dogbone

Eris MickeyMickey by Roscoe Dogbone.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

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Erisian Herstory: The Discordian Archives Timeline

The front piece to the Paste-Up Discordia (The Sacred PUD).
Courtesy the Discordian Archives.
Here at Historia Discordia, we’ve be on a mission from Goddess to document the Origins, History & Chaos of the Discordian Society.

Hey, we even put this calling into the site’s masthead, so, you know, we’re like srsly Discordian zealots.


We enjoy this unique opportunity to have access to both Discordian Founders’ archives as well as other original materials. While Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley kept their stash of documents by very different methods, one Hodge and the other Podge, some clarity has been achieved regarding Discordian history.

Many New Old Truths have been discovered about the origination, growth, hilarity, and impact of Discordianism from this cache of source documents.

As such, we’ve tried to put a little sanity, Goddess forgive us!, on this library of madness:

As we glean new information and post articles about and from the Archives here, we include them into the Discordian Timeline, a linear year-by-year accounting of what was going on and when with the Early Discordians thru to current Modern Discordians.

The Discordian history is a murky maze and fraught with many Erisian contradictions, so we hope offering an understanding of its conception, history, and weirdness on a timeline will help every past, present, and future Discordian Pope better grasp these wonderful absurdities.

And yet more to come!

Check it out and come back for updates:

The Discordian Timeline

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Help crowdfund a movie! THE HILL AND THE HOLE

Dear friends,

Please spread the word on this Indiegogo launch for The Hill and the Hole, a film featuring yours truly as a wise-cracking sociopathic Freemasonic fry dough truck operator and cult leader!

If everything goes as planned, you may even get to see me kill a person or two.

Check out the teaser trailer below and if you are so moved, help any way you can at the film’s Indiegogo page:

The Hill and the Hole | Trailer 1 | 10.31.17 from The Hill and the Hole on Vimeo.

@thehillandthehole on Instagram & Facebook
A teaser for the supernatural independent feature film, The Hill and the Hole, adapted from a Fritz Leiber short story, retold by directors Chris Ernst & Bill Darmon. A weird tale from the southwest. Who would you sacrifice?
Film Score: Drew O'Doherty
Featuring: Liam Kelly, Kristen Brody, Brandt Adams, Adam Gorightly, Chris Dunlop, Matthew O'Donnell, Ricardo Burgos, Xochi, William McLane

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New Discordian Book Released! Chasing Eris by Brenton Clutterbuck

Just released! Chasing Eris by Brenton Clutterbuck.
Grab your copy!
As we recently celebrated this past March, it has been FIVE years since Historia Discordia contributor Brenton Clutterbuck visited the Discordian Archives (both West and East Archive locations!) on his world-wide quest to document Modern Day Manifestations of Discordianism and meet the Discordian Popes around the world who keep Eris fnording.

Brenton Clutterbuck visiting the Discordian Archives East for his Chasing Eris book project. Here he's holding the front-piece to the original Paste-Up Discordia known as the Sacred PUD.
Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
And now his crazy idea has come to perfect Golden Apple fermentation on the auspicious Erisian date of May 5, 2018 (on the Kalendae Discordium date known as Setting Orange Discord 52nd, YOLD 3184), also coincidancing on Early Discordian Camden Benares‘ Discordian Holiday known as St. Gulik’s Day, with the publication of his years-long efforts now known as his newly released book Chasing Eris!

Go grab your very own copy via immediately.

I asked Clutterbuck for a few of his thoughts on the occasion of the release of Chasing Eris:

After years of horrifying experiments and strongly-worded letters from the Ethics Committee, my secret laboratory has finally produced the most significant marvel of International Chaos Science—my book Chasing Eris.

A note that I am totally wiped-out, weirded-out, and bedazzled by how willing people have been to get excited about this release—it’s very sweet and overwhelming to have my excitement and joy shared by so many of you weirdos, and I hope you know how simply humbled and delighted I am.

I have an e-book and some other tasty treats on the way, and if you’d like notification of when they arrive, you can sign up to my mailing list.

Keep the Lasagna Flying!

Congratulations, Clutterbuck! Eris abides on Chaos well done.

Check out a recent interview with Clutterbuck about writing Chasing Eris, some great deep-mind RAW stuff here:

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April Eris of the Month 2018: Eris, Goddess of Discord by EmanuellaKozas

April Eris of the Month 2018: Eris, Goddess of Discord by EmanuellaKozas.

Get a print copy of April’s Eris of the Month, Hellenic Mythology – Eris, Goddess of Discord by EmanuellaKozas on DeviantArt.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

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March Eris of the Month 2018: Dwarf Planet Eris with Moon Dysnomia

March Eris of the of the Month 2018: Dwarf Planet Eris and her moon Dysnomia.

This month’s entry for Eris of the Month is the solar system’s largest Dwarf Planet, Eris, “holding” its moon Dysnomia (daughter of Eris) as the Apple of Discord.

This amazing composite photo courtesy of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and the Keck Observatory telescopes in Hawaii taken during August 2006.

In space, no one can see the fnords.

Also, check out this previous post about Dwarf Planet Eris wherein Early Discordian Louise Lacy writes a letter to Eris’ discoverer, astronomer Michael E. Brown, in an attempt to lure him into Discordianism and most likely the Region of Thud.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

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5 Years Ago: Brenton Clutterbuck visits the Discordian Archives

Brenton Clutterbuck of the worldwide Chasing Eris project quest poses with the original Paste-Up Discordia (PUD) cover page.

Five years ago (Hail, Eris! for the Law of Fives!) Brenton Clutterbuck began his mission to visit and interview Discordians around the world for his soon to be released book Chasing Eris.

Here are a few pics and clips of Clutterbuck, a Discordian Archives contributor, visiting the Discordian Archives West and the Discordian Archives East during his 2013 travels.

First up, Clutterbuck films Adam Gorightly explaining all the confusion surrounding the history of the First Edition of the Principia Discordia, at the home of Louise Lacey in Berkeley, California.

After leaving the Left Coast, Clutterbuck found himself in the most conservative Republican county in the United States, Cobb County, Georgia, where he got a good, hard look at the Discordian Archives East. Here are a few pics of his visit:

Clutterbuck enthralled by source materials of the Discordian Archives East, March 2013.
Surrounded by Chaos!