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Join the Eris of the Month Club Today — If Not Sooner!

July 2014 Eris of the Month
by Michele Witchipoo.
Click to Embiggen.
For many years on my Untamed Dimensions blog, I featured a Devil Girl of the Month.

But after forsaking Eris and giving Christianity another whack, I stopped promoting Devil Gals and now spend most of my time posting Christian album covers, although I sometimes backslide and find myself posting pics of crazy Bongo Broads, of whom I also have a great fondness.

In the spirit of crazy bongo broads, devil girls and kooky Christian album covers, we present to you now a new feature here at called

Eris of the Month

where we’ll post a pic of Eris, yes, you guessed it, on the 23rdish of each month!

We launch the inaugural edition of the Eris of the Month with a contribution from HD staff member Michele Witchipoo—but then after that it’ll be up to you, dear readers, to keep the Golden Apple rolling.

In other words, we’ll need your submissions to keep the Eris of the Month Club alive.

So don’t delay!

Send your submissions by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

Please obtain permissions and provide credit to the artists featured in your submissions.

Photos of Eris are acceptable, as well. Provided she is holding a Golden Apple. (‘Kallisti’ optional.)

Goddess speed to you!

audio book charles manson discordianism greg hill interview jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald official business video warren commission

Adam Gorightly interviewed on The Opperman Report

Ed Opperman interviews Adam Gorightly about his lastest book,
Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society,
and all kinds of other odd and fun High Weirdness.

Hail Eris!

audio book discordianism interview official business principia discordia writings

First Gorightly Interview About Historia Discordia The Book

Historia Discordia:
The Origins of the
Discordian Society
Get Your Copy Now!
Expanding Mind Podcast June 29, 2014
with Adam Gorightly

Anarchism, synchronicity, and the joke religion spawned by the vision of a Goddess in a bowling alley: a talk with “crackpot historian” Adam Gorightly about his new book Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society.

Hail Eris!

art book discordianism greg hill kerry thornley official business photo principia discordia robert anton wilson writings

Behold! A fnord of beauty and chaos…

Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society
Get Yer Copy Now!

book discordianism greg hill kerry thornley official business principia discordia robert anton wilson writings

Now Available! Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society

Historia Discordia:
The Origins of the
Discordian Society
Get Your Copy Now!
The most extensive collection in print documenting the Discordian Society’s wild and wooly legacy, Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society features the unique worldview and wit of such illuminated iconoclasts as Robert Anton Wilson and Discordian founders Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley.

Chronicling Discordianism’s halcyon days, Historia Discordia presents a fun and freewheeling romp through rare photos, holy tracts, art collages, and fnords, many of which appear for the first time in print.

Included among the contents are such chaotic wonders as the 1st edition of Principia Discordia: How The West Was Lost, which no one has really seen for a long, long time—besides a handful of Early Discordians back in the day. Also featured is Kerry Thornley’s The Honest Book of Truth, another rare and hardly seen holy tract that many thought never actually existed.

Here’s what Alan Moore has to say about Historia Discordia:

“Like communication-god Thoth with his yammering ape, like the all-important noise that Count Korzybski assures us must accompany our every signal, no harmony is possible without an acknowledgement and understanding of discord. Born from the bowling-alley epiphanies of Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley, its disruptive teachings disseminated through the incendiary writings of Robert Anton Wilson and other Eristic luminaries, the Discordian Society has unexpectedly become a landmark of gleefully aggressive sanity in a chaotic and incoherent world. Through this book, we can all involve ourselves in their gloriously constructive quarrel.”

See the fnords and buy the book at Amazon. Enjoy!

book daisy eris campbell discordianism greg hill illuminati kerry thornley official business play robert anton wilson video

And The 23s Just Keep On Comin’! #CosmicTrigger

Cosmic Trigger: The Play. The life and times of Illuminatus! co-author Robert Anton Wilson.
On 5/23, Daisy Eris Campbell and her band of merry Discordian Pranksters launched their crowdfunding for the Cosmic Trigger play, which you can find more about at their indiegogo page and from the video below:

Through my remarkable remote viewing powers I’ve had the opportunity to sneak a peek at Daisy’s play, and I must say she’s done a marvelous job of weaving all of RAW’s Chapel Perilous craziness together in a freewheeling romp that includes appearances by Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley, to boot.

Among the Cosmic Trigger perks included at the crowdfunding page are some signed books by yours truly, so surf on over there and gobble up some goodies in support of the Golden Apple Corps. Here’s Douglas Rushkoff endorsing the Cosmic Trigger fund raising drive.

In other important business, 5/23 was also the day the presses starting churning out my latest book Historia Discordia: The Origins of the Discordian Society (RVP Press), although it will be about a week before you start seeing it pop up for purchase, so hang in there and as soon as we have a purchase link, you’ll be the first to fnord know!

According to my publisher for Historia Discordia, part of the delay stemmed from the fact that when he reviewed a test copy of the book, he discovered page 123 had been printed twice.

I kid you not. Hail Eris, of course.

discordianism music official business video

Elektronik Supersonik: Discordians See All, most of the time.

art discordianism official business pope cards

Modern Day Discordian Artifacts

I just received some cool Discordian artifacts gratis from the fine folks at the Discordia Culture Shop, including a golden apple belt, pope card and Erisian-styled buttons.

If you like what you see, please visit their internet storefront at this link:

Modern Discordian artifacts courtesy of the Discordia Culture Shop.
official business

And Now Available with NEW & IMPROVED FNORDS!



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By order of the Golden Apple Corps, comments are now enabled for fellow Discordians and other shifty types.

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