book jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald letters photo writings

Mary, Ferrie, and the Monkey Shine

One of the more controversial conspiracy yarns to spin off of Jim Garrison’s JFK assassination loom provided fodder for Edward Haslam’s 1995 Mary, Ferrie and the Monkey Virus: The Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory (1995 First Edition, 2015 Updated Edition). This party got started in the October 1967 Playboy featuring an interview with Jim […]

book foia jfk jim garrison lee harvey oswald letters photo video writings

The Raymond Broshears Files Part 00006: A FOIA Treasure Trove

Welcome to the final installment of our Rev. Raymond Broshears extravaganza. As noted in Part 00001 of this seemingly never-ending series, Broshears had been arrested (allegedly) in 1965 for threatening the life of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. According to Bernard Fensterwald’s Assassination of JFK by Coincidence or Conspiracy?, Broshears “made the threat on Johnson’s life […]

book discordianism greg hill illuminatus! interview jfk jim garrison lee harvey oswald letters photo

The Raymond Broshears Files Part 00002: Odd Sects and Wandering Bishops

Jim Garrison not only implicated the military industrial complex, homicidal homosexuals, and anti-Castro Cubans in the plot to assassinate JFK, but he also fingered fringe religions—or “Odd Sects,” as he fancied calling them—in his everything-in-the-kitchen-sink conspiratorial cosmology. Goddess only knows how Garrison first saddled up on this “Odd Sects” hobby horse, but there’s a good […]

barbara reid book discordianism jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald letters photo ufos

The Raymond Broshears Files Part 00001: Welcome to the Garrison Investigation Funhouse

For some time now I’d been planning a multi-part series on Reverend Raymond Broshears, one of more colorful characters (among a clown car of colorful characters) who careened headfirst into Kerry Thornley, and the Garrison investigation. A deep dive into Rev. Broshears branches off in a number of directions, including the

book greg hill interview jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald photo writings

A Rose is a McNabb by Any Other Name: More Puzzling Evidence from the Garrison Investigation Files!

Aside from Jim Garrison’s On The Trail of the Assassins (Amazon), the first book to address, in any depth, Kerry Thornley’s alleged role in the JFK assassination was Joe Biles’ In History’s Shadow: Lee Harvey Oswald, Kerry Thornley & the Garrison Investigation (Amazon). Biles’ claimed that Thornley—on account to his supposed CIA affiliations—was well looked […]

art discordianism jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald monkey business official business principia discordia writings zines

SHOUT OUT: Steamshovel Press Winter 2015: The Tyrant’s Foe. The People’s Friend.

Kenn Thomas has released the latest edition of Steamshovel Press as a $2.99 digital download with a dead-on retro zine cover that clearly nods to the Principia Discordia. A great issue on a variety of subjects and with this slick piece of work tucked into it: “Aside from David Ferrie, there was no other among […]

book brother-in-law jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald photo warren commission writings

Equal Time For Kerry Thornley

I recently happened upon a post at To Seek A Newer World blog entitled “Vindication for Kerry Thornley” where a fellow named Matthew Scheufele navigates some of the same choppy waters explored in my book Caught in the Crossfire: Kerry Thornley, Lee Oswald and the Garrison Investigation; in specific the famous altered photo caper hatched […]

book jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald letters photo

Fred Newcomb, Harold Weisberg, and Photographic Tomfoolery in the Garrison Investigation (Part 00001)

In the chapter from my book Caught in the Crossfire: Kerry Thornley, Lee Oswald and the Garrison Investigation (Amazon) called “Photographic Tomfoolery,” I recount some rather sketchy activities undertaken by Harold Weisberg (on behalf of Jim Garrison’s investigation) which involved the recruitment of California artist and JFK assassination investigator Fred T. Newcomb to retouch a […]