Check out Jacob’s other works on his twitter account @DivinerJake.
Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.
Check out Jacob’s other works on his twitter account @DivinerJake.
Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.
One reply on “May Eris of the Month 2019: Hello Sweetie Eris by Jacob Chipman”
Dear Adam Gorightly
This is to try to make initial contact.
I am engaged in a Barbara Reid Project, which, so far, has 6 parts out, 3 in press and 3 in my head, see:
Although my focus remains on her contribution to New Orleans Revivalist jazz, I have recently begun to explore your work: the Garrison case, The Process, Discordia, and so on. (See my facebook page: Richard Ekins Lord Richard.
In your book ‘Caught in the Crossfire’, you draw on – Greg Hill, ‘Some Recollections on Barbara Reid’, 1968. Greg Hill’s Discordian Archives.
I am wondering if this is publicly available and whether you could make available a copy to me.
I would be most grateful if you could.
All good wishes
Richard Ekins
PS I was first in New Orleans in 1966 and 1968. I never met Barbara Reid but am mow in close contact with her daughter Kelley Edmiston Reid, who is very interested in what you are writing about her.
PPS If you ‘google’ me, I am not the Richard Ekins, lawyer. I am the other – older – one.
PPPS It is not ‘Kenn Mills’ (a typo in ‘Caught in the Crossfire’). On Ken Grayson Mills, see: http://www.lacroixrecords.com/grayson_menu.html. Not of much interest to you, probably. But anything is important to highlight the life and work of Ken Grayson Mills and Barbara Reid, in my opinion.