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Tales of Illuminatus! #1 “The Hidden Light” by Bobby Campbell

Discordians reJoyce!

Bobby Campbell presents his first issue of the official comic book adaptation of Robert Anton Wilson & Robert Shea’s Illuminatus! Trilogy, Tales of the Illuminatus!

First, you may want to check out the Kickstarter for the project and consider contributing to this Erisian delight.

If you would like a taste of Campbell’s comic, you can sample the first 12 pages of issue #1, and if you approve, help spread the fnords to the Others with some federal funds or flaxscript to the project.

art discordianism illuminati monkey business official business photo ufos

Illuminated Care Package

I recently received a very generous care package (that synchronistically weighed in at exactly 23lbs) from the fine folks at Illuminated Brew Works, that included some cool swag along with a selection of their top-notch beer adorned with some of the coolest artwork/labels you’ll find on this or any other planet.

Cool Brew Crew
A selection of swag and brew from the Illuminated Crew.

My fav among this trove of tasty of whistle-wetter’s was “Your Soul, A UFO” which includes these illuminating words featured below from the renowned academic psychonaut, Dr. Jeffrey Kripal.

The Old Kripal

Not only does Illuminated Brew Works offer a rotating selection of great beers with ingenious packaging, but they also have their very own Lodge (in the Windy City) where you can be initiated as a club member if you pass through all the required rituals/degrees, which will then earn you a set of wings and a Passport to Magonia. Having already earned a 33rd degree grandmaster rating at several magical orders, the Illuminated Ascended Masters (ASM) at Illuminated Brew Works (IBW) went ahead and awarded yours truly my very own set of wings without ever having to actually cross the Abyss and travel to Chicago and down a pint of Adrenochrome in under 23 seconds.

My very own pair of Illuminated wings (on my very own bomber jacket from Spain) courtesy of the ASM at IBW.

Whatever the case, I definitely hope to travel to the windy city at some point in the near future to meet up with my illuminated beer enthusiast brethren and sistern.

A photo from inside the inner sanctum of Illuminated Lodge #1, ripped from the pages of Yelp.

Thank you Illuminated Brew Works for all you do!

art audio brenton clutterbuck discordianism official business podcast writings

Disco Road 3

Hot off the digital presses is the latest edition of Disco Road (issue 3 to be exact), a Discordian zine and podcast produced by Leigh Wright, which just so happens to be 23 pages long and 23 minutes in length, and features a contribution from yours truly as well as an essay by Brenton Clutterbuck entitled ‘Who is John Guilt?’

art discordianism eris of the month official business

June Eris of the Month 2021: Eris Trojan Horse

June Eris of the Month 2021: Eris Trojan Horse

Anonymously submitted entry for June Eris of the Month 2021.

A burning Troy, the Trojan Horse, and a bad-ass nipple revealing Eris. Ah, when times were simpler.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

art discordianism eris of the month photo

May Eris of the Month 2021: Eris Ἐρις by Matthias Jiury

May Eris of the Month 2021: Eris Ἐρις by Matthias Jiury

Found on flickr.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

art discordianism eris of the month photo

April Eris of the Month 2021: Eris Goddess of Discord – Lorelain Winkler

April Eris of the Month 2021: Eris Goddess of Discord – Lorelain Winkler

An Eris for your consideration. Randomly found.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

art discordianism eris of the month

March Eris of the Month 2021: Eris Cabin

March Eris of the Month 2021: Eris Cabin

This month’s intense Eris of the Month found on the Camp half-blood fanon Wiki.

As the site explains, “The Eris Cabin is the cabin that houses the children of Eris/Discordia, Greek/Roman goddess of strife, spite, discord, and chaos.”

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

art discordianism eris of the month

February Eris of the Month 2021: OC Reddit Eris by vic8760

Original Content Eris from Redditor vic8760.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

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January Eris of the Month 2021: The Goddess Eris by Followers-of-Eris

January Eris of the Month 2021: The Goddess Eris by Follwers-of-Eris

Found on deviantart from the Followers-of-Eris group.

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.

art discordianism eris of the month

December Eris of the Month 2020: Gap-toothed Eris

December Eris of the Month 2020 - Gap-toothed Eris

After our unexpected Dark Winter, we weren’t able to post the December 2020 Eris of the Month on time. So, here she be, representing our unexpected gap month!

Send us your Eris of the Month Club submissions (more info here) by using the form at the bottom of The MGT. page.