book discordianism james shelby downard kerry thornley official business subgenius writings

Three New Discordian Related Books

I’m happy, and also somewhat saddened, to announce the release of 3 new books for which I played a role, either large or small, in the same manner that the authors of these three titles—Kerry Thornley, James Shelby Downard and Antero Alli—themselves had their own roles, both large or small, in the annals of Discordia. […]

book discordian timeline discordianism illuminati illuminatus! jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald letters photo robert anton wilson

Alex, I’ll Take RAW on the Grassy Knoll for 23

The above photo of Robert Anton Wilson, on the fabled Grassy Knoll, popped up on the Twitter a while back courtesy of Mustafa_al_Laylah, taken during a visit to Dallas circa 1998. In said photo, RAW is situated behind the picket fence separating the Grassy Knoll from the adjacent rail-yard bordering Dealey Plaza. According to one […]

book discordian timeline discordianism greg hill illuminati illuminatus! jfk jim garrison john f. carr kerry thornley letters louise lacey photo robert anton wilson writings

The Emergence of Hassan i Sabbah X: Week 52 of the Illuminatus! Group Reading

On page 557 of Illuminatus! we are introduced to Hassan i Sabbah X, a character who—it appears—was first conceptualized by Kerry Thornley in this August 1968 letter to fellow Discordian Louise Lacey (aka Lady L., F.A.B.), all of this part of Operation Mindfuck, the Discordian Society’s clandestine conspiracy to illuminate the opposition. Thornley’s vision for […]

book discordianism greg hill kerry thornley letters principia discordia robert newport writings zines

Discordian I Ching: Lord Omar Desires Guidance For This Coming Year (1970)

A very-long forty-four years ago, this very day, during the rapidly loss-of-hippie-innocence known as that infernal year of 1970, Greg Hill cast an I Ching, or the Book of Changes, hexagram for Kerry Thornley (aka Lord Omar), based on Thornley’s inquiry: “Lord Omar desires guidance for this coming year.” As seen in the letter above, […]

book discordianism greg hill illuminati illuminatus! jim garrison kerry thornley robert anton wilson writings

Week 2 Illuminatus! Group Reading: Joseph Malik

As we embark upon Week 2 of the Illuminatus! reading, I will continue my obsessive quest to note any Discordian references I encounter along the way. So away we go… What immediately jumps out is the character of Joseph Malik, who is at least a hat tip to Discordian Society founder, Greg Hill, as […]

brother-in-law camden benares discordian timeline discordianism greg hill jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald robert anton wilson warren commission

The Discordian Timeline of Chaos – Kerry Wendell Thornley

April 17, 1938: Kerry Thornley is born in Los Angeles to Kenneth and Helen Thornley. 1956: Kerry Thornley meets Greg Hill and Bob Newport while attending California High School (CalHi) in East Whittier, California. 1957: Kerry Graduates from CalHi. 1958: Kerry attends the University of Southern California as a journalism student. That same year, Kerry […]