Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.

Courtesy of the Discordian Archives.
Mae passed on a bundle of these beauties to me during a visit last year to Emperor Norton’s groovy grave site which she orchestrated.
In addition, Mae gave me a few Lysergide stickers that she and her crew created a while ago, which in short order I stuck on the back of my keyboard synthesizer, just because it looked cool there.
Lysergide, for those not in the know, was the trademarked name for LSD back when a group of someones were trying to market the drug before it became illegal.
2 replies on “While on the topic of Pope Cards…”
Have you ever considered offering a few of the spare Pope cards as a once in this lifetime raffle or tombola prize? Such a card would make a fine addition to any reliquary and/or wallet.
I’ve given them out randomly over the years, and I don’t have many left at this point.