discordianism robert anton wilson

Yesterday’s Synchronicity

Yesterday I was reviewing a list of potential posts for Historia Discordia, one of which is a piece I wrote on Robert Anton Wilson’s passing back in 2007. So I got to wondering what day RAW died, and thought it would be apropos to coincide posting the piece on that date. I did a quick […]

art book brenton clutterbuck camden benares discordian timeline discordianism greg hill hilaritas press illuminatus! interview john f. carr kenneth campbell kerry thornley letters louise lacey mary wheeler paste-up discordia (PUD) photo play poem principia discordia robert anton wilson robert newport robert shea tim wheeler timothy leary writings zines

Sex, Drugs, and Discordia

The following article previously appeared in a slightly (chemically altered) form in Psychedelic Press Issue 23. The handful of veiled (or perhaps not-so-veiled) drug references in the Principia Discordia include the ritual of Blessed St. Gulik the Stoned (pages 00027 and 00040), an allusion to a Discordian pot smoking ritual. (St. Gulik is a cockroach.) […]