Our March Eris of the Month was literally ripped from the pages of The Green Egg, Vol IX, No. 70 to be exact, an illustration accompanying a Robert Anton Wilson article entitled “Racism, Sexism and Evolution,” which you can view and download a PDF copy of the article here.

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2 replies on “March Eris of the Month 2020 – The Green Egg Eris by F Mch Adams”
Artist “F Mch Adams” was Fred Adams, founder of Feraferia — one of the first Neo-Pagan spiritual groups. Adams was an L.A.-based poet and artist who created many beautiful pieces like this, in both B&W and color. He passed on a few years ago, but Feraferia is still active — a couple of weeks ago, current leader Jo Carson led a rain dance at a hillside labyrinth just up the road from my home. (It seems to have worked; we’ve had some nice Spring showers since.)
Thanks, Mike!