book discordianism greg hill illuminatus! robert anton wilson robert newport

Discordian Culture Jamming: ANARCHO-SURREALISM by Mordecai Zwack

The following review of Illuminatus! entitled “Anarcho-Surrealism” was among the Discordian Archives I was first turned onto by Bob Newport in the early 2000s. At first blush, the document appeared to have been composed by Greg Hill — under the pseudonymous moniker of “Mordecai Zwack” — circa 1974-ish during the period he was living in […]

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Principia Discordia: Celebrating 50 Years of Chaos! (Maybe!)

Prepare thyselves, O Discordians… The Truth Shall Set You Confused… in 2,500 words or less! 2015 (or 3181 on the Discordian calendar) marks the 50th anniversary (maybe!) of the first edition of Principia Discordia, or How the West was Lost, published in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1965, consisting of a mere five copies that—according to […]

book discordian timeline discordianism greg hill illuminati illuminatus! interview jfk kerry thornley louise lacey robert anton wilson robert shea writings

Chart of the Illuminati Conspiracy: Week 56 of Illuminatus! Group Reading

 On page 591 of Illuminatus!, the “chart of the Illuminati conspiracy” (previously displayed on page 97) is referenced in relation to Robert Anton Wilson’s Discordian persona of “Mordecai the Foul” who is included among a group of Primus Illuminatus overseeing a vast conspiracy that includes Playboy (where Wilson and Bob Shea worked as editors during […]

barbara reid book brother-in-law discordian timeline discordianism interview jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lane caplinger lee harvey oswald principia discordia robert anton wilson roger lovin writings

Was the Discordian Society a CIA Front?

An excerpt from my latest book Caught in the Crossfire: Kerry Thornley, Lee Oswald and the Garrison Investigation, available at Feral House and Amazon. Among Jim Garrison’s more colorful unofficial investigators (otherwise known as the “Irregulars”) was Allan Chapman who subscribed to the theory that the JFK assassination had been orchestrated by the Bavarian Illuminati, […]

book discordianism greg hill kerry thornley official business robert anton wilson robert shea writings

Lo! and Behold! The Fortean Times Review of Historia Discordia

Fortean Times issue 319 found some time to give Historia Discordia a great frogfall review: A serious joke The countercultural Discordian religion is still culturally relevant — and amusing In the pre-Interweb era one’s entry to Discordianism was either through Illuminatus! by Robert Anton Wilson and Bob Shea, or Principia Discordia, the tract intended to […]

book discordianism greg hill illuminati illuminatus! kerry thornley letters robert anton wilson robert shea william helmer writings

Week 10 of the Illuminatus! Group Reading

In the Discordian Society’s early days, not only was it SOP to adopt your own unique Discordian Pope handle—such as Mordecai The Foul or Fang The Unwashed—but it was also assumed that you’d start your own Discordian cabal, which included such notables as Greg Hill’s Joshua Norton Cabal or Rev. Dr. Makuska’s Society for Moral […]

The Early Discordians Revealed!

For many years, Discordians far and wide wondered if Greg Hill ever actually existed, or if he was someone Kerry Thornley invented out of whole cloth. Any doubt that Hill was an honest-to-goddess-flesh-and-bones-card-carrying Discordian (aka Malaclypse the Younger) was put to rest with the publication of my book The Prankster and the Conspiracy, which included […]